Recently, I was asked by a friend what would be something that she could use to help brighten  her skin.  I immediately thought of one of my favorite natural remedies and favorite ingredients... Lemons.  Since I don't think I have wrote or blogged about this before... I figured I would share this in a post and maybe do a video on it later. :)  Lemons are definitely an awesome fruit, with more uses than most people realize.  
Lemons are one of my favorite ingredients in some of my favorite pasta dishes and one of my favorite drinks are made with Lemons... lemonade.  But did you know that this tart and bright yellow fruit has so many uses for your skin as well as dietary uses.  Lemons have natural skin lightening properties and have been incorporated into cosmetics for years, centuries even.  Lemon is used widely to refresh and lighten your skin as well as tone your skin and help you to fade brown spots due to heavy sun exposure.  Looking to perk up your dull complexion, take  a lemon juice and rub it on to help mildly and safely bleach your skin for a brighter look.

Lemon is full of Vitamin C - which is an antioxidant that will help with free radicals, as well as an awesome anti-inflammatory.  It has antibacterial and antiviral properties that are awesome for anyone - which is why you may find the ingredient in many things like Airborne, etc.  Lemon juice also contains natural occurring substances called alpha-hydroxy acid which are commonly used in skin care products today.

Are you looking to brighten your skin, give it a little refreshment and add a little glow?  Well, here is what I do...  I take a little lemon juice (freshly squeezed is best, I only use concentrate if I really have to) and apply to your skin using a cotton ball.  I only apply it one time a day at the most, but I have been told that you could use it up to 2x a day.  To see results, you should use the treatment consistently for about six to eight weeks.  I suggest this treatment to brides that are looking for a safe, quick and affordable way to brighten their skin.  However, I suggest that they start this regimen at least 2 1/2 months before their wedding day.  I also suggest you try out the lemon juice on a small portion of your skin prior to use to do an allergy test.  This way - if it causes any redness or irritation - you can wash it off and discontinue use. 

There are some precautions you will want to take when using a Lemon Regimen for brightening   your skin.  Lemon juice can and will increase your skin's sensitivity to sunlight.  Because of this - please wait for the lemon juice to dry on your skin before you go outside.  I like to apply it at night - about an hour before I hit the sheets so that it is dry and has soaked into my skin properly.  

Another trick is if you are feeling like your skin looks a little dull, but you want a bright complexion right then and now... use a Foundation brush and take some Fresh lemon juice and apply with the foundation brush.  Let dry and then go about your normal routine.  You will notice instantly that your skin did absorb the lemon juice well and for that time being - you will have a little brighter complexion.  Those quick fixes should not be done often however, so if you want long term results - keep to the regimen I outlined above.   

The lemon juice and also help with dark spots.  You would use the same type of regimen and treat the areas needed. Another favorite is to take half of a lemon and take the inside of the lemon and rub it on your dry areas like your elbows, knees and ankles/heels.  If you have ever cut a lemon or cooked with it before, you will feel that Lemon has a slight oily feeling to it.  This awesome oil/citrus is perfect for moisturizing your dry skin but it also has all that goodness included in the lemon that will help to exfoliate, re-hydrate and slosh away all the dead skin.  It is such an awesome fruit and definitely a lot more affordable than a Professional Skin Care treatment that can run you hundreds of dollars.  Take pictures at the beginning and end of your regimen to see how you like it. :)

Hope these little tips and DIY helps. 

FTC/Disclaimer:  I am not a professional in skin care treatment and regimens.  This post was developed and made by me to help and everything discussed is my own opinion.  I am not and will not be held liable for any problems resulting in anyone trying out this regimen.  You are at your own risk.  Please do your research prior to use.

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