I have been doing the Castor Oil challenge for about 2 weeks now and have decided I am going to take a week break to gauge the problems with my hair that have occurred after starting last week Monday.  Over the last week, I have noticed some dryness on my scalp and it also felt a little itchy.  After checking my scalp last night - I found that I have started to have dandruff.  This is really unusual for me... because I am not a dandruff prone person.  I haven't truly changed up my hair routine at all over the last 2-4 weeks, so I don't understand the problem that has happened.  My only conclusion is that it may be that the castor oil is working its magic and removing the dead cells on my scalp.  However, the problem is that I don't like dandruff and it's driving me nuts.  I'm going to stop for a couple a days - maybe a week and re-evaluate the situation.  Stay tuned.


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