In all honesty, I had read a wide range of positive and negative reviews on these Covergirl Smoochable Balms (Smoochies), just as I did with the Maybelline Baby Lips... but I figured I would give it a try after finally seeing them at my local Walmart today.  I grabbed a berry looking color (didn't even look at the name), it's pictured below - the first on the left.  It looked really nice and I was excited to try it - but Walmart did not have the price displayed. 

So we found a price scanner and I scanned it (I filmed it on today's vlog) and boy was I bummed.  This thing was over $5.00.  Seriously - that was a big "HELL NO!"

So I figured I would share anyway.  The color ranges look nice, though many look very similar to one another.  I would love to try the red one - but at that price, I don't know that I want to fork out the change.  If I can't find it on sale or coupon, I'll surely give it a whirl.
On a side note... Walmart's display today was to say the least - not very eye appealing... but what is new? lol

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