If you have been following me on Facebook, you probably have read that our family has been under the weather the last couple of weeks.  It's taken its toll on all of us but as a family - together we overcome.  Because of this - my children have been very sensitive and emotional so it has inspired me to write what I have.  
At the beginning of this week, Monday to be exact - my eldest (Kevin, we call him Ka'eo) who has been battling chest wheezing, coughing and an ear infection walked into my room at about 4:30 in the morning... whispering to me... "Mom, I don't feel well."  He was so soft that it didn't wake my husband, but I jumped up and took him into the kitchen where I gave him some medicine, something to drink and had him jump back into bed and try to get some sleep.  I went back to my room, laid my head on my pillow and slowly fell back to sleep once I heard over the monitor that the boys room had gone silent as they slept.

As you know - I also have Twin toddlers... 2 boys named Luke and Isaiah.  Both boys are newly potty trained, it's only been a week and a few days.  While they are doing very awesome, they too are also not feeling very well and have been battling a heavy cold, bad congestion and coughs and have just overcome their ear infections.  
Two nights ago at 4:00am, my eldest of my twins, Luke walked into my bedroom and took his little hand and tapped me softly on my shoulder.  At an instant I arose and asked him if everything was okay.  He held his underwear in his hands and then took my finger in his hand to pull me into the bathroom and explain what had happened.  I realized after getting to the bathroom that he had gotten up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night but since he was still very much asleep while doing so, even if he made it to use the bathroom, he managed to not move quick enough initially.  I cleaned up the mess, cleaned and changed him and put him in his bed to go back to sleep.  I laid down and listened to the monitor to ensure that he had fallen back asleep and then put myself to sleep as well.

While I know the two stories I just talked about were pretty lengthy - they definitely had a reason for what I had explained.  As a mother, even in my most tired state of mind or even if I was in a deep sleep... it would take very little for me to wake up if it involved my children and husband.  As I sit here typing this, I'm reminded of how important my role of a mother is and how much my children mean to me.  They are my World... and I am the person I am today because of everything they teach me.  If you ever want to learn compassion, look to a child in their innocence - a kiss on a boo boo can make everything better.  If you need to learn patience, watch a child while at play and imagine how the gears in their head are turning... while it takes them a little longer to figure things out at their young age, that doesn't keep them from continuing to try their hardest to accomplish their goals.  And, if you want to learn love... look at a child and how they love unconditionally.  Their little hearts are ever growing, making room for everyone they meet along their path... loving without a negative thought on their minds.  

I am proud to be a mother... not because it's my obligation or my job, but because it is one of the most important things I will ever do in my lifetime.  And, as a mother I look back at my childhood years and remember the inspiration my mother gave to me.  She paved the way to help mold me into the mother I am today and for that - I'm thankful.  I look at motherhood not as giving up a part of me for someone else, but as opening my heart to little people that make me a better person.  They are not my obligation - but my loves and my life and there is no where else I'd rather be but with these wonderful guys. <3

To all the mothers out there - the video below is for you.  Because while I know many of you sometimes feel unappreciated or even forgotten... trust that your children - no matter the situation, will never ever forget you and will always love you!

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